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Import Outlook Contacts Into Windows Live Mail

Import Outlook Contacts Into Windows Live Mail

As well, many people are switching over to cloud-based services. Suppose you’re moving from Microsoft Outlook over to your Windows Live Mail account, you may want to take your Outlook Contacts with you. We will show you how to import your Contacts from Outlook into your Windows Live Mail account.

Microsoft Outlook Export Steps

The file is exported with an a. CSV extension.
So, now that we have our export file, we can import the contents of it into Windows Live Mail.

Windows Live Mail Import Steps

After some seconds, the contacts should import to Windows Live Mail successfully.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Why don’t I have the offer to Export in Microsoft Outlook?
Suppose you are using Outlook on a work or school computer, the option to export from Outlook may be restricted by the Systems Administrator. So, Now You will need to contact your IT department to see if there is a way to enable it. Oppositely, you can use a workaround to export contacts as VCF files so that you may import them one by one.


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