15 Best Instant Personal Loan Apps In India

Instant Personal Loan Apps

Best instant personal loan apps will be described in this post. There aren’t many options available if you need a quick cash loan right away. One option is to apply for a secret loan from a traditional bank, though this can be a time-consuming process involving lots of paperwork and multiple document submissions. The other choice is getting a loan using a credit card, but the interest rates are astronomical.

Another choice is to request financial assistance from friends or family, but this can be awkward. Furthermore, not everyone is fortunate enough to receive an advance on their salary from their employer in India. Therefore, personal loan apps are the best choice for obtaining a quick cash loan in India. India’s workplace has undergone a revolution thanks to the internet.

In the modern world, you can shop from the comfort of your home for anything from vegetables to a Smart TV and more. The situation is the same if you require quick and simple instant personal loans in India. There are top instant loan apps in India that can make applying for a personal loan much simpler and more convenient.

With the necessary scanned documents, you can apply online. Depending on your preference, the loan amount can either be delivered to your door or credited to your bank account.

Top 15 Best Instant Personal Loan Apps in India In 2022

Top 15 Best Instant Personal Loan Apps in India are explained here.

1. MoneyTap


First app-based credit line in India is called MoneyTap.

The multiple useful part is that it has a no-usage, no-interest policy, which has reduced the cost of borrowing money.

This feature allows you to pay interest only on the amount actually used. This is another Instant Personal Loan Apps.

Customers receive a line of credit from the personal loan app, which can be used as a credit card or an instant loan.

In essence, MoneyTap is an Indian company that offers flexible interest rates on loans to customers in Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Chennai, among other cities. Also check crypto apps

To better comprehend how Personal Loan 2.0 from MoneyTap functions, let’s look at a fictitious example.

If he had obtained a conventional personal loan, he would have started accruing interest on the full amount of one lakh rupees right away.

However, with MoneyTap, he will only be charged interest on the amount that he actually uses ( $50,000).

With MoneyTap Amount to be paid after a year, assuming a 13% interest rate, the loan amount is $100,000, but only $50,000 has been used. Therefore, 50,000 X 13% equals $56,500.

By year’s end, Arjun will have paid 56,500.

With a standard personal loan

Assuming a 13% interest rate and a loan amount of $100,000, the amount due after a year is 100,000 X 13 = 113,000.

Instant personal loan app MoneyTap in India

Do so right away by submitting a MoneyTap application.

2. Dhani


The loan amount is disbursed instantly to your bank account by Dhani, a popularly advertised phone se loan app.

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To apply for a personal loan, go anywhere, anytime. This is another Instant Personal Loan Apps.

With an interest rate as low as 12%, you can instantly obtain a loan of up to 15 lakh rupees.

The Dhani Loan app is available for free download; simply enter your Adhaar card number and the loan amount to instantly receive the funds in your account.

3. Indian Lends

Indian Lends

One of the instant personal loan, credit cash, and free credit report apps in India is called IndiaLends.

IndiaLends provides the best interest-rate instant personal loans online, and the loan is disbursed within 48 hours.

The instant loan app from IndiaLends makes extensive use of data and technology to enhance workflows and risk assessments, resulting in a quicker, more straightforward loan disbursal process.

4. KreditBee



For young professionals, KreditBee is an instant personal loan app.

The loan application and application process are both entirely online. This is another Instant Personal Loan Apps.

The amount is immediately credited to your bank account after the disbursement, which takes place within 15 minutes.



In India, salaried professionals can access a line of credit from NIRA, a FinTech company.

The personal loan that is being provided to you is in the form of a line of credit, with credit limits that range from $3,000 to $1 lakh.

From three months to a year, the loan term is available.

Each withdrawal will be limited to 5,000.

The interest charged on the loan amount is determined by the amount borrowed and the timing of the loan repayment.

6. CASHe


CASHe is an app-based digital lending platform that offers short-term personal loans to salaried people only for a range of financial needs. This is another Instant Personal Loan Apps.

When applying for a loan, you must deliver supporting documentation like pay stubs, bank statements, address verification, and PAN cards, all of which can be uploaded through the cash loan app. Also check GPS Tracking Apps

7. Money View

Money View


Online calculators can be used to quickly determine loan eligibility and interest rates.

With terms ranging from 15 days to 6 months, the approved loan amount can be between 5,000 and 2 lakh rupees.

Payments can be made each month via a bank transfer or check deposit.

You can obtain a personal loan in just two hours using the Money View personal loan application.

A personal loan from Money View is completely paperless, quick, simple, and flexible, regardless of whether you want to remodel your home, purchase a pricey vehicle, or pay for your wedding.

The range of Money View loans is 10,000 to 5 lakh.

Flexible repayment terms are available, ranging from three months to five years.

8. Early Salary

Early Salary


A Pune-based FinTech startup called EarlySalary is changing the way that loans are made in India.

An easy and quick way to get loans right away is provided by its personal loan app.

Up to 2 lakh rupees may be borrowed at a monthly interest rate that begins at 2%.

9. SmartCoin


An intuitive and scalable lending platform is what SmartCoin, a FinTech company, aims to provide to its HomeCredit1 clients. This is another Instant Personal Loan Apps.

For people looking for short-term personal loans, there is an app in India that offers an instant loan.

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Get loans from 1,000 to 25,000 using its mini loan app.

Unlike other personal loan apps, the company offers loans to people with all types of profiles, including support executives, business owners, salaried workers, managers, stay-at-home mothers, teachers, and more.

10. Home Credit

Home Credit

The international Home Credit Group, which is present in ten nations in both Europe and Asia, includes India.

Since its inception in 2012, the India chapter has operated in more than 60 cities spread across 15 states. This is another Instant Personal Loan Apps.

With a repayment period of 9 months to 4 years, the personal loan app approves personal loans up to 2 lakh rupees.

You can easily access, understand, and use financial services thanks to the instant loan app in India.

11. LazyPay


To decide your eligibility for a personal loan, all you need to do is enter your mobile number.

LazyPay disburses 1 million+ loans every month thanks to quick approvals and secure online loan application processing.

Its main services include affordable EMIs and instant personal loans of up to $1 lakh obtained through a simple digital process and little paperwork.

12. mPokket


For Indian college students, mPokketis an instant loan application.

The idea of student pocket money is at the heart of it. This is another Instant Personal Loan Apps.

Your bank account or your Paytm wallet will receive the personal loan amount after your application has been approved.

Your borrowing limit will gradually rise with prudent use from the initial amount approved of 500.

Your loan can be repaid in one to three months.

13. Flexsalary


This business designed its product to cover personal loans.

Thus, compared to personal loans, its features are noticeably different.

One-time applications, one-time approvals, immediate disbursements, the ability to access credit at any time, the choice to choose the loan tenure, and a flexible repayment policy are just a few of Flexsalary’s distinguishing features. This is another Instant Personal Loan Apps.

The business serves as an advance salary loan app because it offers instant approval and has no fixed EMIs.

14. Bajaj Finserv

Bajaj Finserv

Personal loans from Bajaj Finserv can be approved right away and disbursed in as little as 24 hours.

Women, employees of public sector units (PSUs), teachers, college professors, and others are all eligible for these collateral-free loans. This is another Instant Personal Loan Apps.

By making interest-only payments on your personal loan, you can reduce your monthly payment by up to 45%.

Following approval, you can take out as much credit as you require without having to go through the hassle of reapplying for a loan.

15. PayMeIndia


PayMeIndia is a cutting-edge FinTech app that provides salaried employees with short-term cash loans, advance salary loans, and instant payday loans at competitive interest rates. This is another Instant Personal Loan Apps.

All of your short-term financial needs, such as paying for a wedding, a big-ticket item, or a medical emergency, can be met with these cash advances.

To make the loan application process quick and easy, both conventional and contemporary lending methods are combined with technology. There are convenient and adaptable repayment schedules available for the cash loans.

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