31 Strongest Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

Demon Slayer

As of today, I don’t believe there is a single person who hasn’t heard of “Demon Slayer.” Since its debut in 2019 by the great studio Ufotable, it has produced a tremendous storm in pop culture, and even normal people will have heard of it at least once.

Demon Slayer season 2 is presently aired and is still going strong. So, in order to pay respect to one of the most famous anime series, I created this list of 31 Demon Slayer characters, sorted from greatest to worst. Simply because.

I tried to avoid spoilers for this list and did my best to inform you all with some foreshadowing. And don’t worry, since it doesn’t seem like the anime will finish anytime soon, the list will be updated in the future. And, of course, more Demon Slayer characters.

This list may include some personal opinions, making it very subjective. So please accept my apologies if you notice any of them. I don’t believe I need to explain anything else right now. You can Also watch Demon Slayer Movie. We’ve been doing this for a long time, haha. So, let us begin with Demon Slayer Characters number 31:

31 Strongest Demon Slayer Characters, Ranked

There will be 31 Strongest Demon Slayer Characters on the list. They will be rated from 25th to first, with 25th being the weakest on the list and first being the strongest. 

1. Kamado Nezuko

Demon Slayer Characters

This may be a negative thing to say about Nezuko, but I can’t help but envision her as the Demon Slayer demon slayer hentai mascot right now. I apologize to Nezuko fans if this upset you in any way. The likeness is undeniable, and you cannot convince me differently. On a more serious note, the series’ primary plot revolves around Tanjiro’s attempt to resurrect her sister as a human. This is why Nezuko is so crucial to the series. It is sort of like the gear begins moving when Nezuko becomes an aberration among demons.

2. Rui

Demon Slayer Characters

He is, in my opinion, the most intriguing demon of them. With a scenario like that, I don’t believe you really need a powerful power since you’re going to die anyhow. So, unlike Enmu, it is preferable to die with a decent story. Aside from the jokes, Rui is a formidable demon. Despite being a lower moon, Rui puts up a good battle against Tanjiro. He only had a difficult matchup because Giyuu arrived to assist and quickly defeated him.

3. Kuwajima Jigorou

Demon Slayer Characters

I’ve already explained why Jigorou is such an excellent instructor. Click here to read the whole version. In short, despite his little screen time, Jigorou has established himself as a smart grandpa and teacher figure in the series. Jigorou constantly shows love and enthusiasm to the noisy and sometimes annoying Zenitsu. He carefully instructs him on how to become a great Demon Slayer Manga. If I were in his shoes, I would have burst because I know how hard it is to deal with Zenitsu. Jigorou deserves more praise.

4. Kochou Shinobu

Demon Slayer Characters

Speaking of which, we have perhaps the finest waifu in the series. I’ve already explained that Demon Slayer has some of the worst initial impressions. Unfortunately, Shinobu is not one of those people. And I think the majority of you will agree with me this time. To wrap things off for Shinobu, I said that she would have a major role in the series. And, as I’ve stated with so many other Demon Slayer Characters, all we have to do now is watch the show. The plot of this series is unlike any other shounen anime we’ve seen.

5. Shinazugawa Sanemi

Demon Slayer Characters

I hate him for stabbing Nezuko without knowing anything about her. Sanemi is being quite rude and inappropriate. I understand his point of view, however, Fortunately, he wants to hear Kagaya apologize for not assaulting Nezuko more even though she is a demon. So, what can we expect from him? First, his entrance was extremely spectacular. Second, Sanemi also plays the stereotypical tough but rude character. Last but not least, a wind-powered character is almost usually among the most strong. Let us hope this is correct.

6. Yushiro

Demon Slayer Characters

Demon Slayer makes some of the worst first impressions of any character. It’s fantastic since we’ll get to see their other side when they’re presented. However, some Demon Slayer fans will not wait and will see them as a negative characters as a result. Yushiro nearly deceived me. He already had a negative point for insulting Nezuko. Fortunately, Yushiro is also a formidable demon on his own. Because I expected him to be a weak and annoying side character, he’s still annoying but tolerable.

7. Enmu

Demon Slayer Characters

Perhaps the demon with the greatest screen time and a few others. However, his appearance is arguably one of the most annoying. Enmu, on the other hand, accomplished his role as Tanjiro’s stepping stone. And he did it admirably. Apart from his screen time, there isn’t much to say about Enmu. He, like all other demons in the Demon Slayer, has no meaningful history. And his strength is very bogus in comparison to other demons. So, let’s call him a filler for this list.

8. Akaza

Demon Slayer Characters

I must admit, I have conflicting thoughts towards Akaza. He is the one who murdered Kyojuro, yet it is hard to detest him since he defeated him in a fair battle and respects him while doing so. It would be best if you also acknowledged that Akaza is a badass character. Do not deny that you were excited when he initially appeared in the film (especially if you have read the manga). And, sure, you can expect him to appear on screen again shortly.

9. Sabito

Demon Slayer Characters

Sabito, like Jigorou, is a character with a brief but noteworthy appearance. I remember when he suddenly gained a slew of new fans on myanimelist because he taught Tanjiro so much. Unfortunately, it’s hard to envisage Sabito making another appearance in the foreseeable future. He may have appeared in flashbacks, but I believe that is all. After all, he has already died. However, some fans will remember him as one of the greatest early Demon Slayer characters.

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10. Iguro Obanai

Demon Slayer Characters

Obanai is just as rude as Sanemi, if not more so. My remark also includes the fact that he nearly became the cause of Tanjiro’s death (remember when he pushed Tanjiro?). At least he didn’t assault Nezuko as Sanemi did. And, of course, we can expect him to be powerful as a Hashira. Finally, I should mention the point that Obanai has a unique character design. Starting with his rainbow eyes and moving on to his scarves and serpent. Demon Slayer Fans seem to appreciate him despite his harshness. 

11. Tamayo

Demon Slayer Characters

Unlike her apprentice Yushiro, Tamayo is a distinct kind of demon with elegance and characteristics. Not to imply Yushiro is a jerk, but he should learn more about such things from his teacher. It truly does matter. Back to Tamayo, we haven’t seen much of her presence in the series. Her background hasn’t been disclosed much, but being a demon, we may assume she has her own power. Nezuko has one, and I’m sure she’ll have one as well.

12. Rengoku Kyoujuro

Demon Slayer Characters

Apart from being engaged in literally the finest fight not just in the series but maybe in anime history, Kyoujuro has more to say. And apart from his swordsmanship, I believe his finest quality is his personality. A strong desire drives many anime characters. While some of them are annoying (how many times have I said annoying? ), Kyoujuro disagrees. That fiery personality is a joy to witness. It’s exactly perfect, and his fans love him for it.

13. Kibutsuji Muzan

Demon Slayer Characters

Muzan is a nasty entity that has no regard for anyone, even the demons he has created, based on a few appearances. He is just concerned with whatever aim he has set for himself (which I cannot reveal due to spoilers). That being said, watching the ultimate fight between Tanjiro and him and his succumbing to our main character would be really fulfilling. Muzan should come as no surprise as the last boss. He is the one who created these demons, after all.

14. Himejima Gyomei

Demon Slayer Characters

So, we’re now on the portion of Demon Slayer Hashira. And the purpose for putting them here may change. It might be due to a lack of screen time, personality, or just being an annoying character (at least for now). In Gyomei’s instance, he is possibly the most straightforward Hashira. By a long shot. He seems to be powerful, yet his personality is lacking. We can only hope that Gyomei will have his time to shine since he has the makings of a fascinating character.

15. Tokito Muichirou

Demon Slayer Characters

Along with Giyuu, the character that closes the lowest section of Hashira is the most tranquil. However, having said that, some fans see him as bland and devoid of personality, akin to Gyomei. And I have the same idea about them. We are, however, just halfway through the series. Muichirou, in my experience as an anime viewer (a polite way of expressing “I also read the manga”), is the sort of character who will soften and play an important part later on. We’ll find out whether it’s accurate or not.

16. Ubuyashiki Kagaya

Demon Slayer Characters

Another character I’ve mentioned is (as always you can check it right here if you want to). Kagaya has established himself as the Demon Slayer Corps’ captain. He cannot fight hence he is not a powerful character, yet the Demon Slayer Corps all listen to him. Kagaya leads his subordinates with his charm and love. And we may assume he is an excellent strategist. I all, why else would the Hashira be ready to follow them if not for these qualities?

17. Uzui Tengen

Demon Slayer Characters

His unconventional personality has either gained him many fans or gotten him into a lot of trouble. Especially when he smacked Aoi on the buttocks. If you’re unfamiliar with the idea, you can read more about it here. And, to be honest, I don’t have much to say or “expect” of Uzui. But, the anime is showing, and we shall find out what happens to him soon. So, please sit down and wait patiently, since you really don’t want to miss it.

18. Zenitsu Agatsuma

Demon Slayer Characters

Personally, I’m not too fond of loud and annoying anime characters. Because the majority of them are loud. In the series, Zenitsu is the epitome of such characteristics. Fortunately, after the gear kicked in, he transformed into one of the most badass characters. Another thing Zenitsu represents is Bruce Lee’s remark “training one kick 10,000 times.” He has rehearsed that one form so many times that he has perfected it. All we have to do now is wait for another opportunity for him to shine.

19. Kamado Tanjiro

Demon Slayer Characters

I think it’s not difficult to see why Tanjiro is ranked first on this list. Tanjiro is one of the finest male characters in shounen anime, in my opinion. His motivation, personality, and belief are all fascinating to see. When his trip concludes, it might be one of the most touching and emotional events we’ve ever seen. Of course, the day will come eventually, but as long as it continues… You should understand the point by now. To summarise, Tanjiro is excellent.

20. Kanroji Mitsuri

Demon Slayer Characters

Welcome to Hashira’s highest reaches. These Hashira are adored by fans and received either a significant amount of screen time or a very favorable initial impression. Kanroji, for example, comes within the second type. I recall her gaining a lot of attention when she originally appeared in the series. People love her for various reasons, from her personality to her appearance. And I’m sure that as she receives more screen time, more people will fall in love with her. 

21. Urokodaki Sakonji

Demon Slayer Characters

Another wonderful instructor and kind character who assisted and taught Tanjiro to become a renowned demon hunter. Yes, his teaching technique is harsh and unforgiving, but the training outcomes are very successful. As the ex-Hashira, we might assume Urokodaki is a skilled swordsman. But whether or not he will utilize it remains uncertain. Urokodaki is already elderly, and I don’t want to see old men continue to die in shonen anime. So allow the fight to be handled by the child.

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22. Kanao Tsuyuri

Demon Slayer Characters

The major reason I ranked her so high is that her fans love her. I’m having difficulty seeing her attractions right now (Kanao fans, please do not attack me). But I guess she’ll play a greater part in the near future. That pattern is nearly always present in anime. Starting off as a simple Demon Slayer Characters, they turn out to be the ones who can solve the situation. Will Kanao suffer the same fate?

23. Hashibira Inosuke

Demon Slayer Characters

And another character that makes a lengthy first appearance. I was furious when I saw him kick the defenceless Zenitsu, who was protecting Nezuko. But my opinion of Inosuke has shifted, and I can’t help but admire him now (not in a gay way). Inosuke currently has the finest character development, in my opinion. He began as a jerk and has evolved into a nice human being with a dash of craziness. Perhaps we will finally see him as a “regular” Inosuke, even if it will bring us since this version of Inosuke is incredible.

24. Kyojuro Rengoku

Demon Slayer Characters

Kyojuro was a powerful swordsman as a Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps. Even powerful demons like Akaza, the Upper Moo 3, and simultaneously the fourth most powerful of all demons acknowledged Kyojuro’s might. Akaza was so pleased by Kyojuro’s power that he proposed he become a demon in order to surpass his human bounds and grow stronger, a suggestion he only made to swordsmen whose talents, in his judgement, were flawless.

25. Tomioka Giyuu

Demon Slayer Characters

The series’ first badass character to debut. We (particularly female fans, I believe) can see that Giyuu will be one of the most prominent characters and well-liked by the community. They are entirely accurate in this regard. Giyuu is well-known among men for his fierce personality and, of course, his swordsmanship. In terms of ladies, Giyuu is a good-looking chad with a pleasant personality despite his frigid appearance. In any case, fans love him for whatever reason, demonstrating that Shinobu is incorrect about Giyuu.

26. Kaigaku

Demon Slayer Characters


Kaigaku’s Thunder Breathing skills have been enhanced and refined as a demon. At the time of his death, he was still tuned in to his newfound demon talents. Demon Slayer Character Yushiro said that a year of training and Kaigaku’s power would be enough to knock Zenitsu out on the spot. Thunder Breathing is a Breathing style taught to Kaigaku by his master. Despite his inability to master the first style, he was able to learn the remaining five types via Thunder Breathing.

27. Inosuke Hashibira

Demon Slayer Characters

Inosuke gained an excellent sense of touch while growing up in the highlands. He can detect little vibrations in the air. He can use this ability to detect whether someone is observing him, particularly if they are malicious. He can even pinpoint the precise place they’re gazing at, giving him an edge in battle. Inosuke is a very good fighter who can match and even outperform Tanjiro with his flexibility and unconventional fighting style, which resembles “four legs of a beast” because his punches come from such a low angle while being very fierce and incorporating other unorthodox moves, making him unpredictable and vicious.

28. Obanai Iguro

Demon Slayer Characters

He is the most powerful swordsmen in the whole organisation as a Hashira. Obanai thinks about everything he does and strives not to panic in any scenario. However, when he realises what his opponent is capable of, he launches an attack. With such a margin, he is often able to win. Despite the fact that his sword is identical to everyone else’s, Iguro can bend it at any angle.

As a result, his sword, like a snake, can glide through narrow openings. Obanai, who was half blind in his right eye, devised a combat strategy with his Kaburamaru snake. Kaburamaru can read enemy strikes and relay that information to Obanai. This skill is fully shown when Obanai is entirely blind as a result of Muzan but can still fight as if nothing had occurred.

29. Tengen Uzui

Demon Slayer Characters

He employs the Sound Breathing style and two short swords connected by an iron chain. In battle, he often employs special explosives that may inflict severe harm on the demon. For example, when he hears a pause in the “song,” he strikes. Tengen may even temporarily stop his heart, like he did against Gyutaro, to stop the poison from spreading.

Tengen is the only style that employs Sound Breathing. Thunder Breathing is a subset of Sound Breathing. The slayer may use it to read his opponent’s motions and decompose them into noises. He may grasp the rhythm of his opponent’s movement and utilise this information for his own objectives by assessing what he has heard. For instance, to attack at a more advantageous time when the adversary opened up.

30. Nakime Otokawa

Demon Slayer Characters

Although Nakime’s Demon Blood Art was not as martial as the rest of the Upper Moons’, her ability was as great, if not stronger, in terms of usefulness and strength, since she alone could control and manipulate a whole fortress at whim as if they were her limbs. While playing the Biwa, Nakime can manipulate and control a seemingly endless interdimensional fortress, capable of leading anyone to a fortress and capable of creating entrances and exits wherever she wants, and by attaching and rooting her hair to a nearby within the fortress, she can control position fortress, as she likes, moving and changing the position of the various walls, as she wants.

31. Giyu Tomioka

Demon Slayer Characters

Giyu is a powerful swordsman as a Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps. He effortlessly defeated the Demon Spider (Father) transformed and Rui, the Lower Moon 5. He was able to hang on for a time during his battle with Akaza, the Upper Moon 3.

As with Kyojuro, Akaza is astounded by Giyu’s abilities to the point that he offers the Hashira to change him into a demon, an offer that Akaza only offers to the most deserving of his opponents. The latter claims to have not battled a Water Hashita as skilled as Giyu in fifty years and that the latter possesses a highly developed sword style. 

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