Every Cisco network administrator should know the following five basic Cisco commands. These are handy commands for a Cisco router that may be used to acquire critical information and save changes rapidly. Add these commands to your Cisco commands cheat sheet so you can refer to them when working on your Cisco router.
The Cisco Commands Cheat Sheet: Best 5 For Network Admin
These are excellent commands to memorize if you are new to Cisco networking. If you’re a seasoned administrator, you could benefit from a refresher on a handful of these IOS commands. A complete list of show commands may be found on Cisco’s website.
IOS Command #5 – Show Interfaces
It’s critical to understand the types of interfaces on your router and essential data about those interfaces and whether they’re up or down. The show interfaces command is highly verbose and produces a lot of output. You may have to sift through that output to find what you’re searching for; almost everything related to interfaces, such as interface type, speed, IP address, and faults on the interface, is presented in the output from this command. This command works in both User EXEC and Privileged EXEC modes.
This command can be shortened to sh int.
IOS Command #4 – Copy running-config startup-config
It’s critical to remember to save any changes you make to the router’s configuration. This command replicates the updated current running configuration in RAM to the startup configuration in flash memory. When the router is shut down and restarted, the configuration is saved by transferring it onto Flash. This command is only available in Privileged EXEC mode.
This command is abbreviated as wr (short for write memory).
IOS Command #3 – Show IP Route
Routers learn about networks and save the optimal path to those networks in their routing table, either statically or dynamically. Once you’ve confirmed that your interfaces are operational and saved your configuration, you’ll want to ensure that your router has convergence, which indicates that it has accurate information about network reachability. Also, the show IP route command displays every known connection and destination network, the mechanism used to discover these networks, the next-hop IP address, and the local interface used to connect to each known destination network. This command works in both User-EXEC and Privileged EXEC modes.
This command may be shortened to sh ip ro.
IOS Command #2 – Show IP Interface Brief
We noted that the show interfaces command provides helpful information about your router’s interfaces. Sometimes, you need precise, specific information to answer questions like, Is the interface operational? What IP addresses have been given to the interfaces? The show IP interface short command answers these questions and summarizes your interfaces’ status, protocol, and IP addresses best. This command works in both User EXEC and Privileged EXEC modes.
This command may be shortened to sh ip int brie.
IOS Command #1 – Show running-config
Show running-config is the most useful of all the Cisco show commands. This command displays the router’s complete active configuration. Each command you’ve typed. Every standard command was used. All of this useful information is accessible with a single IOS command. It’s as easy as that. You may view IP addresses, interfaces, passwords (in plain text), routing protocols, and other parameters. This command is only available in Privileged EXEC mode.
This command can be shortened to sh run or wr t.
Consider The Following:
Conclusion: Find more Cisco IOS Commands
Knowing what command to type to acquire the information you need and make the adjustments you need to make is the key to using the Cisco IOS. The 5 Cisco router commands illustrated in this article are only a small sample of the hundreds of available Cisco IOS commands; nonetheless, this Cisco commands list comprises some of the most useful commands that any Cisco network administrator should be familiar with.