What is The SAS? Best SAS Alternatives For 2022

SAS Alternatives

SAS, which stands for Statistical Analysis Software, was developed by the SAS institute in 1960. Its work is to collect information and data from different sources, including databases, files, warehouses, etc. Moreover, SAS performs functions with statistical analysis, including change, place, obtain, and more. It is considered a pioneer in data analytics due to its amazing features. In fact, to date, SAS holds a superior position in business analytics. 

SAS can be transported in a different computing environment, and it works just as the same on all platforms, which is, indeed, its best flex. However, it does not work the same on an interactive window.

Following are the key features of the SAS Programming Language. 


  • Strong Data Analysis Abilities

SAS software offers strong Data Analysis Abilities. SAS is akin to a complete package for the data analysis section. Its analysis is expanded from simple figures to advanced levels. For instance, it deploys bar graphs with the provided data to calculate the creation between complex data sets. In addition to that, SAS software has the best-inbuilt library, as there are different required packages for the analysis and reporting of data. 

  • Flexible 4 Generation Programming Language (4GL)

SAS is essentially a 4GL programming language, which is its striking feature, as the SAS programming language has a special and easy-to-learn syntax. Moreover, the SAS programming language code is just like statements with clear and concise instructions. 

These inbuilt libraries of SAS have lessened Coding for essential applications to offer a chance to modularize the job. Moreover, it is also user-friendly, even for non-programming users. It has an amazing interactive language. The log window is just as a mirror that gives out instructions to the users. It also offers notes and marks errors. Lastly, it is equipped with DS2, which offers great assistance in data manipulation. 

  • SAS Studio

Of all the features,SAS studio is the most amazing one. It is easily accessible with every device and with any web browser, so the users do not have to go for client installation. Therefore, all libraries and data files required in the SAS program can be reached out through any web browser. The best part about SAS studio is that it is quite instructive.

Just when someone starts typing, the autocomplete features start giving indications of various procedures. Moreover, pop-up syntax and parameters are also displayed for some more guidance. Moreover, SAS Studio also offers help in creating and adding personalized code snippets to the snippet library. It has an informative interface, which can guide users during the analysis process at different stages. 

  • Support for Various Data Format

SAS has immense support for different data formats. SAS is equipped with this amazing feature to read data from additional files, formats, and even files with missing data. Moreover, SAS offers support for SQL. It has an extensive database of character endings, and there is also full-fledged support from the most readily used languages. Lastly, the SAS programming language maintains singularity for SAS works to be arranged with data in other languages. 

  • Management

SAS Management proves to be one of SAS’s main and most critical features. It is equipped with features like SAS Environmental Manager that is in charge of alerting, monitoring, and managing the analytics environment. Moreover, the Extended Java Graphite User Interface administering the SAS function in SAS Management Console is the best thing. 

In addition to all other features, it also lets users execute a failed program in the restart mode. This way, it restarts from the same stage where it stopped working. Apart from this, the XML Engines have different functions, including importing and exporting XML documents and creating XML maps. 

  • Report Output Format

SAS can display analytical results as well as the number of reporting options. It has amazing features like the base SAS 9.4 has high-quality graphics like the ODS statistical graphics, ODS graphic designers and editors, and much more. 

Additionally, SAS can save and create reports in standard formats, including RTF, PowerPoint, and pdf. It can also keep them as eBooks, i-books, rendering a luxury of visual analytics. Apart from all this, it is also possible to customize the output according to the hierarchy of customers’ needs. Later on, the result is ported to several places. 

  • Data Encryption Algorithms
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The best part about SAS is how it gives utmost importance to users’ data security. SAS 9.4 has this amazing feature called SAS/SECURE. Moreover, it is also possible to encrypt SAS data on the disk with the help of different algorithms. 


  1. It is mainly used in developing applications
  2. It is used for managing a large amount of data
  3. SAS is also used to enhance quality
  4. Its work is to extract, transform, and upgrade the data
  5. It also does the statistical analysis
  6. SAS is also useful in planning business


  • Easy to comprehend

SAS syntax is a piece of cake. Anyone can learn it easily, and it does not require any programming skill. Also, Coding is in the form of basic statements. It is just like you are commanding a machine to perform a task. 

  • Handling Large Database

The best part about SAS is that it shows grace under pressure in a way that it has the extraordinary ability to handle an enormous database quite easily. 

  • Easy to debug

SAS is easy to understand language. Similarly, the process of debugging is also very simple. Anyone can easily comprehend and rectify the error that the log window can possibly create. 

  • Tested algorithms

The Developers minutely evaluate the algorithm implemented in the SAS program. In fact, each version of SAS is initially tested in a controlled environment prior to its release. This is possible only because SAS is a closed source language. 

  • SAS Customer support

SAS offers to perform strict monitoring. It is akin to an entire organization where it offers smooth customer support. As mentioned earlier, SAS is a closed source tool; therefore, it can be edited by the SAS organization. With SAS, external adulteration is not possible; it handles all the problems on its own. 

  • Data Security

SAS is one of the best in terms of security and reliability. It does not let anyone extract information without any license, as Data security holds it from manipulation. It is exactly why SAS is famous in the corporate world.

Due to the strict data security, SAS has become a top priority of different companies, as the companies’ data is safe here. 

  • Nice Output

With time and owing to its immense popularity, SAS has evolved and improved for the better. Now, it has a really nicely formatted output. At the same time, the output is equally comprehensible. 


  • Cost

One of the major setbacks to SAS is that it is heavy on the pocket. A normal person without a license is unable to use it. 

  • Lacks graphic representation

The graphics are not impressive at all. They lack vividness, compatibility, and descriptive plots. Moreover, graphs and diagrams are also lacking. 

  • Difficult Text Mining

Text mining, extracting text in SAS need SAS enterprise. It is akin to understanding a written code that helps you tell what the written text offers in terms of being decisive. 

  • Difficult than R

SAS is way more difficult than R. It has more lines of codes to offer, and it does not let innovations like statistical learning and machine learning flourish. Moreover, SAS charges for different packages. So, all these cons make SAS slightly less desirable and, therefore, call for better alternatives. So, the following are some of the important alternatives. 

Best SAS Alternatives For 2022

SAS is often famous for having powerful components and a user-friendly interface; however, different organizations choose other alternatives based on their preferences. So, here are a few of the fantastic SAS Alternatives.

1. Sisense

SAS Alternatives

The first option on the list of best SAS alternativesis Sisense. It is mainly a marketing intelligence service that helps companies in managing and assisting data with analytics. It also helps in reporting and visuals. The option is mainly famous for analyzing large and complicated data and creating essential service trends for information sets.

Moreover, Sisense assists in gathering data from different sources and later integrates them into a single database. After that, Sisense itself rearranges these datasets into a standard format, which it predefines. With the help of different filters and analytical tools offered by the software applications, users can customize the data or carry out pruning.

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  • It performs data warehousing.
  • It provides Extract, change, and load services.
  • Sisense offers dashboards and scoreboards for improved analytics.
  • It provides a report to the author.

2. Anaconda

SAS Alternatives

Next in the list of the best alternative to SAS is Anaconda. As the name suggests, it is a python distribution mainly used for processing a large quantity of data, ominous analysis, and computation. 

Moreover, Anaconda can back more than a hundred packages of Python for subjects, including chemistry, maths, engineering, and data analysis. 

The software is compatible with Linux, Windows, and Mac. The best part about the software is that it does not require any root or local administration.

3. WPS Analytics

SAS Alternatives

It is yet another name on the list of best SAS alternatives.This program was mainly launched with the aim to render information on science and heavy information inscribed in the SAS and R languages, 

The software is mainly known for application, including innovative GUI, graphical user interface, robustness, high power information processing, and, lastly, production-ready frameworks. 

Moreover, WPS Analytics is referred to as a SAS compiler. It uses files, databases, information storage facilities, Hadoop clustering, snd some strange adapters cloud warehouse for use in all sorts of processing and storage technologies. 

4. Pentaho

SAS Alternatives

The next alternative to SAS is Pentaho. It acts as a software company for company intelligence rendering Pentaho Business Analytics. It ia an open-source software, the suite of information integration., OLAP, reporting, dashboarding, and data mining. Moreover, the addition of business adds to the additional qualities that have not been offered in other editions. 

5. Jamovi

SAS Alternatives

Jamovi is yet another name on the list of options similar to SAS.It is an open mathematical spreadsheet for the 3rd generation. It is sort of a community project that invites individuals from across the world. The best part about it is that it conserves the data, evaluates it and its alternatives, and then similarly produces the results. 

6. Gaio

SAS Alternatives

This alternative to SASis Gaio. It is mainly used to discover patterns, compare time-periods worths, and it also determines all types of statistical easily. Once the information workflow develops, it performs frequently or at a predefined time. 

7. Montecarlito

SAS Alternatives

It is one of the most convenient and open Source code SAS alternatives. It is a free-of-cost Monte-Carlo simulation Excess add-in. In addition to that, it is also good in satistical analyzes such as average, standard error, variations, and skewness. 

8. Data Robot

SAS Alternatives

The name suggests an automated learning platform for Data Robot and the best on the list of desirable SAS alternativesData Robot can enable the predictive models to be produced and deployed quickly and conveniently. 

However, Data Robot is still struggling in health records, scientific trials, billing processing systems. In fact, the health care industry works to un blog the prices of these data can result in batter patient, thereby resulting and following by health care organizations.

9. R Programming

SAS Alternatives

R Programming is one of the best SAS alternatives. Mainly, it is a complimentary software application environment supported by the R Statistical Computing Foundation. 

The R language can be counted as an amalgam of S developed by John Chambers. Different disciplines, including Data mining and Data analysis, carefully listen to the plan to comprehend and analyze information. 

Moreover, it lets users run commands, read and pick the information, and later brings outcomes. Also, the software utilize signs like +, -, *, / for computations. Lastly, it also lets users sign up with different information files in a single report.

10. Stan

SAS Alternatives

Last alternative in our list of best SAS alternatives is Stan. It makes use of languages utilized for data analysis. It lets the inference for enormous statistical designs. Also, it promotes a math library in C++, which is used to rectify different maths-related problems, including algebraic equations, parabolic formulas, likelihood, and variation. 

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Final Words:

So, all these options prove to be some of the best SAS alternatives. All the other options offer features similar to SAS. Now, the chance solely depends on the users as to which they like the most. 

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