How To Fix Warzone 2 Packet Loss? [PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox]

Warzone 2 Packet Loss

The popular battle royale game Call of Duty: Warzone was released for Windows PCs, PlayStation 4/5, and Xbox One. This game has gained a large number of players since its first release. While some platform users have lag-free, seamless gaming experiences, others still need to. However, several gamers have observed substantial packet loss issues since Warzone’s debut. However, it causes the game to operate slowly, as intended, and part of your game mobility will be limited. You may have packet loss difficulties when playing Warzone for several causes, many of which may be fixed using basic and straightforward procedures. This tutorial will review some fast fixes for the Warzone 2 packet loss problem on PC, PS5, PS4, and Xbox.

Warzone 2 Packet Loss Meaning

“Packet loss” refers to the inability of game data packets to reach their intended destinations. They must be noticed between the game servers and your PC, PS4, or Xbox One. Packet loss causes other difficulties, such as stuttering, latency spikes, and getting thrown out of the game.

How To Fix Warzone 2 Packet Loss? [PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox]

The packet loss issue that Warzone 2 players have been experiencing suggests that the game is not functioning properly. The gameplay is slow; your actions take a few moments to display on screen. This might be a significant disadvantage, particularly when playing shooting and tactics games like COD Warzone 2.

Change Internet Connection

This is a first-step option to attempt since the problem is with the Internet connection; we often have slow or unreliable connections, which create errors and slowdowns. We could also change the connection by switching from WiFi to wired.

Update Network Adapter Driver

New technologies like 4G and 5G are quickly being integrated into our systems. When you use these technologies, update your system’s network adapter drivers. Windows will normally update them automatically via Windows Update. But if you need to, here’s how to manually update this driver.

  • Right-click the Start button, then choose Device Manager from the context menu.
  • Navigate to the Network Adapters category, right-click the driver, and choose Update Driver.
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Warzone 2 Packet Loss

  • Depending on your requirements, you may update your network adapter driver automatically and/or manually in the pop-up window. After selecting a method, follow the on-screen steps to complete the update.

Warzone 2 Packet Loss

Check the game once it has been updated to see whether the Warzone/Modern Warfare packet loss issue has been repaired.

Reset Winsock

Winsock, often known as Windows Socket, is a critical service that enables internet access on your computer. The Winsock service may fail due to various software problems, resulting in the COD Warzone 2 packet loss issue. To restart Winsock, follow the following instructions.

  • After the command prompt is open, type the following command.

  • To complete the process, restart your computer.

  • After the command prompt is open, type the following command. To complete the process, restart your computer.


VPNs, or Virtual private networks, are capable of resolving the majority of internet issues. It’s likely that the game network you’re connected to is overcrowded, which would explain the packet loss. You may solve the problem by changing your country of origin using a VPN service, which will redirect your game to a new server. On the internet, there are various premium and free VPN services. If your network is overcrowded, consider using a VPN service to remedy the problem; otherwise, you may drop packets when playing Warzone 2.

Set NAT Type To Open In MW2

“NAT” (Network Address Translation) denotes three configurations: moderate, stringent, and open. Selecting the open NAT option will result in the best network connection available. To do so, follow the steps listed below.

  • The first step would be to check your current NAT type in MW2.
  • To accomplish this, launch your game and choose Account & Network Options.
  • Now, click “Network Info” to get all the details about your connection.
  • If your current NAT type is limited or moderate, adjust it to “open,” the optimal option, as indicated in the figure below.

Avoid accessing this screen while broadcasting, as doing so will disclose your local IP address.

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Flush DNS

DNS (Domain Name Service) is crucial for online packet processing. However, if the DNS service is not functioning properly, you must use the flush DNS command to address the issue.

  • The following command should be entered into the computer’s command prompt.
  • Consequently, your network’s DNS servers will be cleaned and reset, potentially resolving the issue.

Contact ISP

If you need help with the above alternatives, the problem might be with your internet service provider. This packet loss problem is often quite prevalent when maintenance is conducted on internet fiber links. Inquire your ISP about any maintenance and directions on repairing the problem.

Power-cycling Your Console

Consoles such as the PlayStation and Xbox do not provide many setting options. Power cycling is the best answer for any internet-related issues that may arise. Because executing a power cycle clears your console’s RAM and removes technical difficulties. Before you power cycle your console, could you turn it off? Next, unhook the cables. Restart your console after a few minutes.

Troubleshooting Console Internet

It would help if you troubleshot your PlayStation or Xbox console since internet difficulties are the leading source of packet loss. To do so, rejoin over WiFi or connect to your console by ethernet. If you use WiFi, restarting your router may be beneficial. If nothing else works, try connecting over an alternative internet connection.

Consider The Following:

The Bottom Line:

This ends the troubleshooting section for the Warzone 2 packet loss problem. Please remember that this problem is more likely to occur if your internet connection is faster or you run numerous downloads simultaneously. Using the strategies outlined above, you can rapidly address this problem. Please let us know if you need help following the steps in the comments section below.

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