Fix Gmail Failed to Download Attachments In Best Easy Ways

Gmail Failed to Download Attachments

Are you Trying to Fix Gmail Failed to Download Attachments? Whether Gmail refuses to download multimedia attachments or prevents you from adding files to your emails? To troubleshoot the issue, try these solutions. Gmail is the most used email platform for sending and receiving emails.

The instrument, however, is not without faults. For example, Gmail customers have recently reported that they cannot download attachments attached to their emails on Windows 10.

You won’t be capable to drag and drop files intoGmail or react to the attachment button if this occurs. Instead, a popup error notice that says “There was a problem attaching your file” or “Attachment failed” appears most of the time.

So, if you’ve run into this problem before, here’s how to fix the Gmail Failed to Download Attachments.

What Causes Gmail Attachment Download to Fail?

A firewall or proxy server is the most frequent cause of this error message. There are, however, additional causes, including:

  • Gmail prevents executable files and any attachments that it believes may be contaminated from being sent or received for security reasons.
  • It may be due to a browser plugin that restricts Gmail’s capabilities.
  • You are utilizing a browser that isn’t supported. Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari are the best browsers to use to prevent such issues.

Let’s learn how to fix the failure to download attachments in Gmail now that we know what’s causing it.

Gmail Attachments Won’t Download? Here Are 5 Easy Ways To Fix It

The firewall should be disabled. Disabling a Firewall is one of the tried and true methods for getting around this error notice.

Follow the steps below to do so:

1. Open the Run window by pressing Windows + R.
2. Open a command prompt and type firewall.CPL > OK.
3. Click Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off in the left pane.
4. So, This will open a new tab in your window. Select the radio option next to Turn off Windows Defender Firewall (not recommended) under Private network settings, then the same item under Public network settings.
5. Click OK to save your changes and close the window.
6. If you’re using a third-party security program, we recommend temporarily deactivating that as well.

It should now be possible to email or download the attachment. After that, make sure the Firewall is turned on.

2. Turn off the proxy server

Disabling the proxy server is another method to fix unsuccessful multimedia attachment downloads.

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To do so, follow these steps:

1. Type Internet options into the Windows search box. Choose the best outcome.
2. click LAN settings from the Connections tab.
3. Uncheck the box that says “Use a proxy server for your LAN” and then click OK.
4. Click Apply > OK to preserve your changes.
5. Click the OK button to close the Internet Properties window.

Now use Gmail to download the attachment; it should work. If this is not the case, go to the next step.

3. Install the latest version of your browser

A web browser is automatically updated when you close and reopen it. However, if you haven’t closed it in a while, there’s a possibility it’s out of date. As a result, we suggest that you check for a browser update (if one is available) and download it following the steps below:

  • How to Install Google Chrome:

1. To begin, open Google Chrome.
2. Now, In the top-right corner of the screen, click the three vertical dots.
3. Select Help > About Google Chrome from the drop-down menu.
4. Wait for Chrome to do an update check.
5. You will be informed if any are available. Install the updates after downloading them.

After that, click the Relaunch option to apply the changes.

  • How to Get Firefox Updated:

1. Open the Firefox web browser.
2. Well, In the top-right corner of the screen, click the three horizontal lines.
3. click Help > About Firefox from the drop-down menu.
4. Wait for Firefox to do an update check.
5. Download and install them if they are accessible. To update Firefox, click Restart.

  • Edge Update Instructions:

1. Start Microsoft Edge.
2. Here, In the top-right corner of the screen, click the three horizontal dots.
3. click Help and Feedback > About Microsoft Edge from the drop-down menu.
4. Wait for it to complete the update check.
5. If any are available, they will be downloaded automatically.
6. To apply the changes, restart the Microsoft Edge browser.

Now attempt to download the attachment that you were unable to download via Gmail.

4. Delete the Cache and Cookies in your browser

Clearing cookies and Cache can help if you can’t download Gmail attachments because of a browser failure.

Cookies improve the surfing experience, but they may cause problems with the browser’s functioning when they get outdated. Furthermore, Cache, which saves information about the sections of a page or pictures, may cause problems. As a result, deleting the browser cache and cookies is required.

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Advanced System Optimizer is the best method to erase Cache and cookies from all browsers at once. Furthermore, you may detect and delete Cache and cookies from all browsers simultaneously with the Privacy Protector module of our most acceptable PC Optimization program.

Follow the steps below to put it to use:

1. Get an Advanced System Optimizer and install it on your download.
2. Start the program
3. In the left pane, select Security & Privacy.
4. Go to Privacy Protector > Privacy Scan > Start
5. Wait for the scan to complete and then check the findings.
6. To fix problems, click Clean.
7. This will help in clearing the browser’s cache and cookies.

5. Switch to incognito mode

If you like to use browser extensions and add-ons, one of them may be blocking Gmail from downloading attachments. To see whether this is the case, try using the browser in Incognito or Private mode.

You’ll have to re-login to your Gmail account if you choose the private mode.

Attempt to attach or download attachments from or to Gmail now. If this works, you’ll need to disable each extension one by one until you find the one that’s causing the problem. Then, remove the offending attachment after you find it.

This can help you prevent the Gmail attachment not being downloaded issue. If none of the previous steps work, try a different browser.

Gmail Attachment Failed to Download

Best Easy Ways to Fix Gmail Failed to Download Attachments. The methods described above will help you to attach files to Gmail and download them without difficulty. Just make sure you’re using a suitable browser and that the files you’re downloading are safe. If you are unable to fix the case, we suggest switching to different email service. To learn more about the possibilities, click here. Also, check out our article on the Most Popular and Best Email Services in 2021.

We hope you found the material helpful and will share it with others dealing with a similar issue to Fix Gmail Failed to Download Attachments. Would you mind sharing your Ideas in the comments area? 

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