Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cheaper alternative to Audible?

Yes. You can get cheaper books from Scribd and Kobo Books instead of Audible.

Is Audible free with Prime 2023?

No. You can’t get Audible for free with Amazon Prime. Aside from the few audiobooks that are free for Prime members, users still need to sign up for Audible to access the whole library.

What can I use instead of Audible?

Instead of Audible, you can use several other audiobook apps, including Kobo Books, Audio Books Now, and Downpour.

Is there a competitor to Audible?

Yes. Apps like Kobo Books, OverDrive, and Scribd are better alternatives to Audible.

Pick Out the Best Audible Alternatives

We hope that your long search for an app like Audible has finally ended well. There are many great options, so picking the right one for a great audiobook listening experience should be easy. Let me know your pick and what you found adorable in it now that the deal is over.